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Need a lift today how about a little goat joy This is a video thanks to Louise who made these sweaters and sent them to Maine with a dear handwritten note They will be very useful in the first cold weeks of kidding season come spring 2019 and Martin Edgar and Hector loved trying them on for a little fashion show as thanks to you today A little farm backstory We started milking just three goats in 2010 and had three babies born in our first spring at Sunflower Farm August 13 2012 after being licensed by the state we sold our first official cheese to the lovely Coyne family I saved their dollar as good luck We had no business plan we just kept following what felt good Over the years we have worked up to this year s 56 kids born and are milking 21 mamas twice a day For a while we drove our products all over the place now as we had dreamed of from the start enough people come directly to the farm each weekend that we can sell everything from our self serve shop Supporters of our small farm can get to know the goats as individuals each with distinct personalities can see our milking room barn pastures and where we make the cheese I hope that in some small way opening up our farm allows more people to see the larger impact of the food choices we make on our environment health culture and happiness I know we are the happiest we have ever been getting to know you all and living at Sunflower Farm with 27 goats our daughters Lila and Tess son in law Ethan and granddaughter Max And like our family the farm keeps growing Bold Goat Yoga now hosts a weekly class in the pasture and we all look forward to practicing with people from down the road and across the country each week And most recently my daughter Lila began Max and Me a handmade doll company featuring delightful goats I m so proud that she is connecting with the place where she grew up in this way and extending the farm in a new creative direction that connects people All this mostly to say thanks to you all for stopping by watching the live cam and making donations to support our No Cull farm approach coming for yoga participating in Be The Goats watching our YouTube videos and Live Cam and being there when it is an amazing farm day and also when it is a hard one Thanks so so much Looking forward to whatever is next To use this video in a commercial player or broadcast please email licensing storyful com
오늘도 고양이들이 난리가 났어요
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