Melting Every Lipstick From The Drugstore Together

by Safiya Nygaard

Melting Every Lipstick From The Drugstore Together


The frankenlipstick giveaway is now CLOSED to new entries winners will be contacted in the upcoming weeks So as you all know I have done many frankenmakeup experiments over the past couple of years and about a year ago I made a mega franken lipstick by melting every lipstick from Sephora together to see roughly what the average lipstick from Sephora would look like And I ve always wondered if that average would vary from store to store so I ransacked CVS and bought one of every lipstick they sell there to make into a mega franken CVS lipstick And then we melted down those 500 lipsticks and made 400 to send to you all Don t forget to click the bell to turn on post notifications Assistant Editors Emily Linden Claire WileyMusicvia Audio NetworkSFXVia Audioblocks



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