MoYou London Tutorial ⭐️ Expecto Patronum ⭐️

by MoYou London

MoYou London Tutorial ⭐️  Expecto Patronum ⭐️


Put a spell on your nails with this Patronus mani Elegant and magical at the same time Find all you need to get this Nail art here 3 Nail polishes we used 6 Barry M Matte Top Coat How to 1 Apply Midnight Madness as a base coat for all your nails 2 Apply Cuticle Guard on your cuticles to protect them from stamping 3 Using Enchanted 16 apply White Knight and Midnight Madness onto the spiral design 4 With the scraper mix the colours lightly softer than if you were scraping and pick up the design 5 Stamp the design onto your index fingernail 6 Repeat the process for the middle finger and the pinky 7 Now use Animal 13 and apply White Knight to the stag design 8 Scrape and pick up with your stamper 9 Use a dotting tool to remove the bits of the design you don t want to stamp 10 Stamp the design onto your ring finger 11 Apply a Matte top coat over all your nails 12 Again use animal 13 to pick the same design but this time using Ginger Rust 13 Remove the stag from the design with a dotting tool 14 Stamp in the right place to complete the ring finger design 15 Your mani is now complete You can also follow us for more nail art updates on



✴︎オペラの作り方 キャラメルクリームと珈琲Gâteau O...

  • by Les sens ciel 828

こんにちはLes sens cielです。 今回は以前リクエスト頂いていたオペラを作ってみました。 チョコガナッシュが濃厚なのでバレンタインにもオススメです。 サンドするクリームはキャラメル味にしてみました。コーヒーとキャラメルの相性はすごくいいのでぜひお試し...