My Favorite Opaque Pens & Tips | Sea Lemon

by Sea Lemon

My Favorite Opaque Pens & Tips | Sea Lemon


Watch me nerd out over my favorite opaque pens plus share tips on how to use them in your artwork PENSGET WEEKLY DOODLE PROMPTSRELATED VIDEOSThe Realism Challenge Strawberry Drawing Doodle with Me Spider WebOpposite Hand Art Challenge Eye Painting Free Doodle ChallengesBuJo Doodle with Me CactusHow to Draw a Sugar SkullBuJo Doodle with Me MandalaA Year in My Bullet Journal8 Day Pattern Doodle ChallengeBuJo Doodle with Me Fall DrinksPOSCA Best Pen Ever Studio Vlog Gemstone Doodle ChallengeMore Art Supplies ReviewsFOLLOW MEPO BOXSea Lemon1776 N Scottsdale Rd 1333Scottsdale AZ 85252USABUSINESS INQUIRIESheysealemon at gmail comMY FILMING EQUIPMENT MUSIC CREDITSDISCLAIMERSFTC This video is sponsored by Skillshare




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