My Fish Had Babies... ALREADY?!

by SerpaDesign

My Fish Had Babies... ALREADY?!


This one covers a lot of ground and things I m excited to share Updates on the ponds baby fish stocking the DIY mini pond and the gargoyle gecko vivarium If you ve been waiting to see any of this then I hope you ll really enjoy this one As you would expect I thoroughly enjoy making my setups but it s always fun to get the animals in their homes and see how they thrive long term I think this video helps showcase that but it s something I d like to start sharing more in a format like this If you wouldn t mind let me know if you like a video like this Also I m sure you could tell that a lot is about to change in the animal room Stay tuned I ve got big tanks coming in and a lot of really cool setups If you have any comments suggestions or questions leave them down in the comments Also for additional content like this photos of my terrariums projects sneak peeks and more follow me on Instagram SerpaDesign babyfish aquariumfish serpadesign




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