Sopa De Quinoa (vegan) ☆ ソパデキヌアの作り方

by Peaceful Cuisine

Sopa De Quinoa (vegan) ☆ ソパデキヌアの作り方


Soup quinoa Recipe from my Peru travel Ingredients 3 cloves garlic300g onion3 tbsp olive oil100g celery100g green beans100g broccoli200g potato200g carrot200g tomato300g quinoa2000ml water2 tbsp saltInstructions 1 cut all the vegetables in dice 2 fry garlic and onion with olive oil 3 add all the vegetables and quinoa 4 add water and let it simmer for 20 minutes 5 add salt 6 Enjoy 材料 にんにく 3つ玉ねぎ 300gオリーブオイル 大さじ3セロリ 100gサヤインゲン 100gブロッコリー 100gじゃがいも 200g人参 200gトマト 200gキヌア 300g水 2000ml塩 大さじ2 作り方 1 全ての野菜をサイの目切りにします 2 にんにくと玉ねぎをオリーブオイルで炒めます 3 残りの野菜全てとキヌアを加えます 4 水を加え 20分ほどコトコト煮ます 5 塩を加えます 6 エンジョーーーイ I often use iHerb to get organic ingredients Use a code YOY970 to get a discount on your first purchase They ship internationally at low price sometimes even free Instagram peaceful_cuisine Equipments etc Camera Sony A7SIILens FE 35mm F1 4 ZA SEL35F14Z Lens Filter Kenko variable NDX 82mmMic RODE Videomic Pro Monitor Atomos Ninja AssassinTripods SLIK carbon 923 pro SLIK carbon 823 pro SLIK mini pro 7 RRS TP 243 Ground Level TripodSlider iFootage Shark Slider MiniEdit Adobe Premiere Pro CC



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