Nutella Banana Hand Pies

by Home Cooking Adventure

Nutella Banana Hand Pies


Nutella Banana Hand Pies with an irresistible flavored filling crunchy hazelnuts and a flaky buttery pie crust these hand pies are really out of this world To print the recipe check the full recipe on my blog Ingredients Makes 15 hand piesPie Dough1 1 4 cup 160g all purpose flour1 2 cup 113g unsalted butter chilled and cut into small pieces1 4 tsp 1g salt1 tsp 5g sugar4 tbsp 60ml ice cold waterFilling1 4 cup 25g toasted hazelnuts chopped1 small banana thinly sliced1 2 cup 150g NutellaGarnishBeaten eggBrown sugar1 Prepare the pie dough In a medium bowl whisk flour with salt and sugar Incorporate butter using a pastry blender a fork or a pastry processor until crumbs are formed Add water and stir until incorporated 2 Wrap in plastic wrap shape into a disk and refrigerate for at least 1 hour 3 Preheat oven to 350F 180C Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside until ready to use 4 On a floured surface roll dough to 1 8 inch 3mm thick Cut out out 3 1 2 inch 9 cm circles Re roll remaining dough and cut into circles until you run out of dough 5 Place about 1 tsp nutella on one half of the circle and top with chopped hazelnuts and a slice of banana Brush the edges of the circle with beaten egg and fold the dough over the filling to create a semi circle Use a fork to press the edges together to seal 6 Place the pies on the prepared baking tray Brush the top of each pie with beaten egg and sprinkle the top with brown sugar 7 Bake for 25 30 minutes or until golden brown Let cool slightly before serving Background music DuDa by Ian Post Gran Torino ArtlistFollow me




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