PLAN WITH ME March 2020 Bullet Journal Set Up ✨

by Plant Based Bride

PLAN WITH ME March 2020 Bullet Journal Set Up ✨


It s that time of the month again I m excited to share my March set up with you all I wanted to create a theme evoking the earliest hints of spring while tying in the gold from all of my 2020 themes so far I hope you like the combination of the green and gold and organic and geometric shapes in this month s BuJo set up What theme should I do next month Let me know in a comment what you d like to see Shop my stickers Join the PBB Patrons Squad on Patreon Hang out with me on Instagram SUPPLIES USEDMY FILMING EQUIPMENT 1 like 1 kitty purring on your tummy 1 dislike 1 kitty pretending you don t exist SUPPORT MESOCIAL LINKSDISCOUNTS AIRBNB Get 50 off your first trip using AirBnB www airbnb ca c elizabetht3664 2 off each of your first 3 Uber rides Use code elizabetht5060ueCREDITS music Shattered PathsBUSINESS INQUIRIES plantbasedbride gmail comDISCLAIMER Some of the above links are AFFILIATE LINKS which means I make a small amount of off your purchase It s great because you pay the same amount but I also make a tiiiiiiny number of for referring you It s totally a win win So thanks friend PlanWithMeMarch2020 BulletJournalSetUp



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