Plant Shopping at Terrain in Glen Mills, PA — Vlog 035

by Summer Rayne Oakes

Plant Shopping at Terrain in Glen Mills, PA — Vlog 035


Right before the whole coronavirus quarantine I was able to sneak down to Philadelphia area and visit Terrain in Glen Mills PA Though it was raining outside and couldn t do much filming outside the greenhouse and shops because of that the whole grounds which used to be an old nursery and farm was so delightful This video takes us through their shade house to see what they had for sale __ Plant One On Me is a channel produced by Summer Rayne Oakes of Homestead Brooklyn that is primarily focused on houseplants and outdoor gardening Our mission with the channel is to bring people closer to plants by bringing plants closer to them through engaging entertaining and educational content Write your questions and suggestions in the comments below the videos and on Instagram homesteadbrooklyn PlantOneOnMe COOL STUFF Become a houseplant guru with the Houseplant Masterclass Get the 125 Houseplant Care Spreadsheet and the Houseplant Care Tracker Order How to Make a Plant Love You the book Homestead Brooklyn Shop See my Houseplant Picks and Storefront with affiliate codes And want to be kept up to date with all the great giveaways gardening news and latest videos and blogs FOLLOW SUB SUPPORT



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