Beaded Chain Necklace
to make the rhinestone pod to make the fantasy leaf
Pupdate Hey guys as promised today s video is an update on the pups and their vet appointments So Niko has finished her course of antibiotics and is well on the mend any tips for getting a dog interested in a dog bed would be very kindly appreciated so we can hopefully avoid this ever happening again She doesn t like to sleep on soft surfaces and like Phil chooses the cold hard floors as comfort at night Phils update its been a long 3 weeks of ruling out medical conditions and waiting to here back from the vets but we finally have some answers and it s not what we expected or wanted to hear really He doesn t have hyperthyroidism which is what we ve been treating him for for the last 9 months They say it s safe to rule that out and discontinue his medication He doesn t have Cushings we ve ruled that out too even though we ve tested for this separately previously His biopsies came back and had no concerns and we have finally arrived at a diagnosis and a treatment plan His biopsies did however show that all his hair was stuck in a latency stage and that there has been no new hair growth for some time This would explain the lack of regrowth when shaved and the thinning of hair over time Please keep your fingers and toes crossed we are one of the 40 that have success with this treatment as for 60 it does nothing Worst case scenario is Phil being more lethargic at night when we give the medication but he ll be resting anyway We ll monitor this closely for now and see what happens Of course we will keep you all updated As always thank you so much for all of your support Xx
to make the rhinestone pod to make the fantasy leaf
another bamboozle from the mlem boi 😂 May his tongue rest in peace. oh the other cool shibes mlem too. ok, now this is adorable :)
まる様に新しい靴箱をプレゼント。 I gave Maru the new shoes box.
Testing Candy Recipes written 200 years ago. SUBSCRIBE on youtube: Support: 20...
WARNING!!! Credit & Full Video: InstagrAM
OMG ... here we go again! A Contour device that makes life simple and will rock your world! xo's ~ Tati 😇 HALO Before & After PH...
Check out this adorable compilation of the cutest baby animals ever ! Compilation of the most adorable little puppies, kittens, bu...
ブッチーのすごいところは、モフモフだけではありません。 圧倒的にむにむにしています。 ブッチーを一言で例えるなら、「シルキーな質感を持つぽっちゃりムッチリむにむにのモチ」です。
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