Watercolor Tutorial - Get Some COLOR into those SHADOWS!

by Tim Wilmot

Watercolor Tutorial - Get Some COLOR into those SHADOWS!


I use the full characteristics of shadows shapes edges color pleasing angles and values in this watercolor demo based on the pretty village of Fivizzano in Tuscany At the start of this video I show my source photograph for the painting If you want to keep referring to this during the video then copy the URL of the video into another browser Tab or Window on your device Run the video again but of course pause it at the start where I show the source photo In Chrome you can also right click on the tab and select Duplicate Would you like to paint scenes like this If you join up at my Patreon site in return for a small donation or pledge I will give you a personal critique based on the regular projects I set with extra tips just for you For more information please go toMore information on watercolour demos painting workshops lessons and recent paintings by Tim Wilmot can be found at The paper I use and recommend is Saunders Waterford



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