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Hello 這裡是Gina Hello影音頻道Cats Shopping Beauty Travel Life 膚質 乾肌 喜好偏白妝感各種實測心得以我自身習慣以及喜好妝感為評價標準唷 這裡可以找到更多的GINAHELLO 合作邀請請 mail design gina gmail com 碎碎念 由於我滿常回覆留言的 為了不愧對其他懂禮貌的孩子我自身感受到沒有禮貌的留言 也不會給予相對的禮貌油 ٩ ꉺɷꉺ ۶ 沒禮貌 比沒專業更糟糕 字幕由欣慧幫忙完成 各位水水請不要重複上字幕唷 non sponsored video 非商業合作影片
高評価&チャンネル登録 拡散常に欲しておりますありがとうございます!!!
Teppanyaki style preparation of Fried Garlic Rice in Ginza, Tokyo -
If you've ever been to the C&D shop in Soho, you might have seen our favourite flavour, The Velvet Volcano, which is essentially a...
Paris Brest has an incredible texture, a crispy shell of choux pastry, filled with an hazelnut and almond praline paste mousseline...
How to stitch flowers with BRAZILIAN EMBROIDERY:Today's Tutorial is EMBROIDERY flowers design, Brazilian Embroidery is a highly te...
櫻花開了!做了便當和老公去野餐賞花。 好多觀眾喜歡看便當的食譜,希望這集大家也會喜歡!
Wondering why your paintings don’t look like the ones you see on YouTube? I’ll paint the same floral design twice, first I’m showi...
Hey guys! Here is the list of the bulbs being given away courtesy of https://www.flowerbulbs.com ! There will be 5 winners! To ent...
Hey guys! in today's video,how to gemstone nails with gold. If you are interested, please do have a look. ↓↓↓Subscribe is this cha...
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