
by Ya Ya Makeup Lab



影片回顧 使用產品 solone 愛麗絲異想追逐魅惑眼影 79 86solone 眼線液筆咖啡色OFRA激光打亮盤 陽光大道Rodeo Drivesolone 液態眼線膠筆 BrownMARY QUANT瑪莉官 睫毛夾Kiss Me 瞬翹自然捲濃密防水睫毛膏maybelline調色盤氣墊唇釉 15裡面沒穿Fenty Beauty GLOSS BOMB 刷具 Morphe E17Sigma E57Morphe MB18Sigme E20s 隱形眼鏡 晶碩 MUSIC Alive E mail for business tweety123123123 gmail com



CHINESE Street Food! Exploring...

  • by Strictly Dumpling 1653

I LOVE Chinese food and wherever I go in the world it's fun to see how Chinese food is adapted in the local region. In this video,...


  • by KathleenLights 1586

Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD) Here is a video where I talk about all of my favorite drugstore foundations! I hope you enjoy! Thanks for...


  • by Pastel Cat World 629

画面の中のボス吉に反応するネコ吉です。 キョロキョロ探すような仕草に笑ってしまいました(^-^; 2019年のお昼のショート動画はこれにて終了となりますが、今年は後もう一本、洗面所のリフォームpart3を公開します。 ネコ吉&ボス吉も登場しますので、是非ご覧く...

Beauty Battle ft. Kim Kardashi...

  • by James Charles 1678

HI SISTERS! For the first time ever, we're doing a Beauty Battle, but I'm not in the middle. I challenged Mario Dedivanovic, celeb...

밀크 치즈 쿠키 만들기 연유 쿠키 : Milk Chee...

  • by Cooking tree 쿠킹트리 1048

4가지 재료로 간단히 만든 연유쿠키에 고다치즈를 샌드해 밀크 치즈 쿠키를 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on...