How To French & Dutch Braid Yo...
Time for some braiding basics! In this video I'm going to show you how to French braid and Dutch braid your own hair. I'm also sha...
COPYRIGHT 2018 those sweet words ALL RIGHTRESERVED 핸드타이드와 포장Handtied and Wrapping차분하게 꽃다발을 만들었어요많은 종류와 화려한 꽃다발도 예쁘지만몇가지 꽃으로도 충분히 아름다울 수 있다는 것을 보여드리고 싶은 마음입니다 가장 먼저 컨디셔닝에 집중해요심플한 느낌을 위해불필요한 잎은 제거 해 주세요꽃 머리 기준으로 한뼘 아래는 가지치기를 합니다 어레인지먼트를 시작합니다스프레이형태의 소재 사이에 기타 다른 꽃들을 채워주듯 잡습니다소재들이 서로서로 여유롭게 자리를 잡을 수 있도록도와 주세요꽃은 스파이럴 방향으로 돌아 갑니다 바인딩 그리고 포장부직포를 사용하여 볼륨을 주고무심한 느낌의 크라프트지로 감싸 줍니다바인딩할 때 두꺼운 종이일수록 꽃다발이 움직일 수 있으니 주의해주세요 온화한 무드의 꽃이 완성되었어요감사합니다 맨즈필드파크장미 인터레이장미 마트리카리아 영춘화잎I made bouquet calmly I think big and fancy Handtied with various flowers is good I want to show you my mind that a simple bouquet is also beautiful more than that First let s take some time to trim and organize flowers To make it simple Please remove unnecessary leaves And cut small stems under a hand span from a head of flowers Second start the Arrangement Please hold the spray shaped roses first with filling the empty space with the other flowers between roses The flowers go in a spiral way with one same direction Binding The last step is Wrapping I wrapped this bouquet with Felt paper to give volume and used the Craft paper for a simple mood When you bind flowers you care that if you wrap the bouquet with thick papers it can move to the side The bunch of flowers with warmth is completed Thank you Mansfieldpark rose Interlay rose Matricaria Jasminum nudiflorum leaves Business yeomshinae naver com Kakao talk those sweet words Music used When the Ocean Sleeps Daniel Kaede
Time for some braiding basics! In this video I'm going to show you how to French braid and Dutch braid your own hair. I'm also sha...
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Hallo, bald wird der Christbaum geschmückt und mit selbst gebastelten Christbaumkugeln ist das doch dann etwas ganz BESONDERES! Di...
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