BY TERRY - Starlight Rose Holi...
UPDATE: The mascara wore so well! There was no flaking and no smudging. My lashes fell by the end of the day but that's pretty nor...
丁寧に作るとぐっと美味しくなるのが ぶり大根 だと思います ぶりのあらは熱湯をかけ 大根は下ゆでせず という作り方で紹介しています 3 4人分の材料 ぶりのあら 750g大根 1本水 600ml酒 200ml砂糖 大さじ4醬油 大さじ5 レシピ詳細は白ごはん comでも紹介中 ぶりはきちんと下ごしらえすることで 臭みもなく うま味だけをしっかり引き出すことができます また 調味料を入れるのにも順番があるので 煮る工程や煮詰め具合なども動画でぜひ参考にしてみてください 白ごはん comではおうちで作りやすい和食レシピが満載です
UPDATE: The mascara wore so well! There was no flaking and no smudging. My lashes fell by the end of the day but that's pretty nor...
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Kohachannel LINE着せ替えはこちら
[use CC to enable Subtitles] Hello, my name is Kinoshita Yuka ! I love eating. OoGui (eating a lot) is my channel's main focus. I ...
Click here to SUBSCRIBE: *Brand New* 30 Days of Smoothies eBook available now:
Our cats really really really like scratchboard beds
My collared lizard laid eggs! I'm so happy with my first clutch of collared lizard eggs. I hope they hatch. Be sure to like and su...
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