
by 志銘與狸貓



狸貓 阿瑪的屁屁 志銘 好可愛 阿瑪擦屁屁 正片 網路上相關擠肛門腺教學 歡迎替我們翻譯 黃阿瑪的後宮生活 被貓咪包圍的日子 志銘與狸貓 我們是黃阿瑪的奴才 平時在米花映像從事廣告等相關工作 這裡除了會放FB上的直播記錄 瑪瑪信箱 和 主題直播 之外 還會放一些生活的Vlog 阿瑪影片的花絮畫面 但貓的畫面會相對來得少些 如果想單純看貓 歡迎去阿瑪的頻道訂閱喔



10 AMAZING Kitchen Hacks & Ide...

  • by TOP TUBE TV 1231

🔥10 AMAZING Kitchen Hacks & Ideas You NEED To Try! August 2017🔥 🔥10 AMAZING Kitchen Hacks & Ideas You NEED To Try! August 2017🔥...

Acrylic Floral painting. Fabri...

  • by Leisha's Galaxy 992

Floral painting. Fabric painting techniques.Fabric painting on clothes. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe for further uploa...

DIY: Engel, Feen , Elfen, Schm...

  • by DIY kekaplauderei 1641

In meinem Tutorial zeige ich dir diese FLÜGEL zum selber HÄKELN; leicht gemacht. Für Engel, Fee, Elfe, Schmetterling,...mit vielen...

DIY - Pulsera cristal y delica...

  • by Manualidades y Entretenimientos 1211

Materiales Cristales swarouski 0,6 x 0,4 mostacillas 0,3 dos arandelas cierre mosquetonsedal 0,30 agujas numeo 11 tijeras En mi ca...

Leaf Bowl DIY - Easy Fall Craf...

  • by Red Ted Art 1319

Easy DIY Bowls. Love this Bowl DIY. These Autumn Leaf Bowls, make great gifts to make yourself. Give them to a teach, use them as ...