Queen Amidala STAR WARS Makeup...
*LINKS & PRODUCTS BELOW* Join me on Patreon for more content and to help me be able to continue making tutorials! : https://www.pa...
跟我一起出門工作吧 可以說是今年目前用到最喜歡的一顆氣墊你們一定要看到最後晚上那個持妝度表現 就知道為什麼我說捨不得卸妝了 笑 趁著週年慶前趕快去試用看看吧 粉底實測 氣墊推薦 無敵小方盒 narstw narsissist 超持久亮顏氣墊粉餅 氣墊9 20正式上市 即日起可至櫃上試色PRODUCTS NARS 超持久亮顏氣墊粉餅 12g SPF50 PA 全6色 NT 1750 NARS 妝點甜心遮瑕蜜 6ml 全19色 NT 1100 NARS 裸光蜜粉餅 10g NT 1350 NARS 極光亮顏粉底液 30ml 全14色 NT 1800TODAYS 上衣 mercci22耳環 H M眼影 Huda Beauty腮紅 NARS唇膏 Maybelline10部頻道必看影片整理大補帖 我的膚質 乾性肌 黑眼圈 膚色不均困擾 英文字幕募集中 如果您希望幫我在這支影片加上字幕 請先寄信到yinghuang711 hotmail com 告知我您的youtube名稱會再幫您開放字幕功能並以第一位寄信者為優先成功加入字幕者 我會送出精美小禮物給你噢 謝謝 More about MiiThank you for watching歡迎訂閱我的頻道 每週都會更新影片唷 Camera Canon EOS RPEditing Software FCPX Music Remember This video is sponsored by NARS
*LINKS & PRODUCTS BELOW* Join me on Patreon for more content and to help me be able to continue making tutorials! : https://www.pa...
Today I'm doing a full Face of my Old Makeup Faves to see what has stood the test of time and what's better left in the past. xo's...
This sculpture is inspired by White Tara ‣ https://www.yowangdu.com/tibetan-buddhism/white-tara.html
Что для вас атмосферный осенний декор?)
HidaMari Cooking(ひだまりクッキング)へようこそ。 このチャンネルでは、チョコレートや抹茶、季節のフルーツを使ったお菓子のレシピを中心に投稿しています。
1. Gingerbread Man Trifle: https://taste.md/34ckY3R 2. Gingerbread Apple Pie Cake: https://taste.md/2PAiB5J 3. (Scran Line) Ginger...
ミレちゃんついに奴と出会う インスタグラムhttps://www.instagram.com/pontaxponta ツイッターhttps://Twitter.com/pontaxxxponta
These things that fit together, look super cool and are conveniently symmetrical will restore your faith in the order of all thing...
My Easy Choux Pastry Recipe will have you making adorable & delicious light puffs in no time!
We’re painting ALL the watercolor leaves you’ll ever need, and I’m trying out my 48 pan paint set from Genuine Crafts! Check out t...
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