
by ひのき猫



豆大福に比べてとても穏やかなオデコがかわいいです エリザベスカラーを付けていてもお淑やかに階段を登る様子に癒されます オデコ 豆大福 ひのき猫



Family of kittens almost throw...

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This video is dedicated to our friends in South Carolina who helped us save Shaggy, Jessie, and Hermione! If the names Kimberly, ...

Paris-Brest Recipe

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Paris Brest has an incredible texture, a crispy shell of choux pastry, filled with an hazelnut and almond praline paste mousseline...

Comparing $2 Knockoffs with th...

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I saw these pens on Wish.com for incredibly cheap, and my curiosity got the best of me. I just had to know what sort of pens they ...