10 ACTUALLY HELPFUL Tips for Painting Your “Other Hand” Nails

by JauntyJuli

10 ACTUALLY HELPFUL Tips for Painting Your “Other Hand” Nails


Hey guys In this video I ll be sharing my tips and tricks for painting the nails on your other hand Painting your dominant hand is tricky but hopefully with this video you ll be able to get a nice manicure on all 10 fingers BASE COAT Maxus Strengthening Base Coat BEST EVER USE CODE JAUNTYJULI FOR 15 FREE SHIPPING RED POLISH KL POLISH ACE Use code JAUNTYJULI on KLPOLISH COM to save 10 off your purchase CLEAN UP BRUSH TOP COAT Maxus Nails Top Coat USE CODE JAUNTYJULI FOR 15 OFF FREE SHIPPING CUTICLE OILYOU LL LIKE THIS TUTORIALSAY HI Snapchat JauntyJuliMUSIC ATTRIBUTIONYoutube Audio LibraryDISCOUNT CODESGet my HOLY GRAIL base and top coat from MaxusNails com and use code JAUNTYJULI to save 15 off your purchase free shipping Visit www mosimei com to find your hue Use code JAUNTY for 35 off your order Want to work with me Contact jauntyjuli gmail com for business inquiries Some links above may be affiliated and some items used may be PR Samples All opinions on these products are true and honest and they are mine I will only recommend products that I like and I know my audience will enjoy as well I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC guidelines concerning the endorsements and testimonials in advertising



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