Guy Adopts Stray Dog Who Follo...
Guy Adopts Stray Dog Who Followed Him On Race | This guy was running an endurance race in China when a stray dog started following...
Acrylic Fluid Painting Reverse DipSome Ingredients used in this video are toxicPlease wear a respirator for your safety and make sure there is good ventilation Ingredients may include any or all of the following Varnish Polyurethane Polycrylic Floetrol Resin Cooking TorchYou might also be interested in these videos of mineSee link Below MY SISTERSI am thankful for their support and encouragement They are artists and are always an inspiration to me and weare having the time of our lives We love what we do Please visit their Channels and enjoy Pouring Medium Flood Floetrol WaterNEW RECIPE Recipe 4 parts paint 1 part Pouring Medium or FloetrolIt should be real creamyThen add water till you get the right consistencyRuns in a stream off the stickAdd Silicone or Coconut Milk Serum or whatever you use if you want more cells Understand that I am in no way responsible for the way you use your paint and mediums You should be using a full face respirator Have a fire extinguisher at hand and a CO2 alarm nearby Make sure there is proper ventilation Be careful and use proper materials be safe Here is a link to my How to Tutorial for mixing paints and camera setupLeave me a comment if you have a question or any suggestions for a video artbysusanking Thank You for watching my videos I appreciate it Take CareSusan King
Guy Adopts Stray Dog Who Followed Him On Race | This guy was running an endurance race in China when a stray dog started following...
【カワイイチャンネル】川井 動画の補足や使用した道具はこちらから▼▼▼
바삭하고 달콤한 트리 모양의 머랭 쿠키에 가나슈를 샌드해 머랭쿠키 팝을 만들었어요! ▼▽▼▽구독하고~ 좋아요!누르고 공유 부탁드려요!^^▼▽▼▽ 더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥For more det...
Today I’m going to show you a very popular and well-loved Korean rice cake, Yeongyang-chaltteok (영양찰떡). Full recipe: https://www.m...
Paper crafts are amazing! Here are some lovely paper crafts that are so easy to make! Paper is also good for making decorations....
▼今日のお弁当メニュー ・十六穀米 ・海苔卵焼き〜お好み焼き風〜 ・鶏むね肉とエリンギの柚子胡椒炒め ・キャロットラペ → ・ミニトマト
提供:楽天のフリマアプリ ラクマのダウンロードはこちら(iOS・Android) 招待コード:tpDcl 招待コードの入力で100ポイントもらえます。 出品しているアイテムの検索ワードは「Saaya」
~ 月曜日~金曜日の16時に動画を更新中!! ~
富士山をイメージした、パッチワークのデニムリメイクバッグです。 底 28㎝の正方形を書く 対角線を行く 対角線の半分の長さを、4つの角から印付け 印を繋ぐと一辺11.6㎝の八角形の完成 周りに1㎝の縫い代を付ける A 11.6㎝の正三角形に1㎝の縫い代を付ける...
Official Belmerlion Website: Facebook Page: Associated with Bonding I...
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