abstract painting + doodling: a good way to find your creative voice

by creationsceecee

abstract painting + doodling: a good way to find your creative voice


full abstract painting process in real time SUPPLIES LIST please click show more below email catherine creationsceecee com for inquiries about original artwork for sale abstract doodling doodle art ONLINE CLASSES AVAILABLE SUPPLIES USED IN THIS VIDEO 140lbs cold press extra white 100 cotton watercolor paper Artistico Fabriano watercolor paints flesh tint Renessans deep scarlet Daniel Smith payne s grey sennelier and sepia M Graham No 8 round watercolor brush Princeton neptune black multiliner size 0 1 Copic white Signo gel pen Uni ball WHERE I SHOP my specific brush recommendations at www thebrushguys com FOLLOW ME MUSIC IN THIS VIDEO Almost like falling in love by Kayla gelatin nature and Melatonin by Epidemic Sound this night and green summer waves by Qeeo by Qeeo



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