BECCA R U OK ?! Zero Pigment Foundation Review

by Allana Davison

BECCA R U OK ?!  Zero Pigment Foundation Review


Hi fam Today we are taking a first look at the v dramatic and polarizing Becca NO PIGMENT virutal foundation what are your thoughts on this product Have you tried it Let us know in the comments below XOXO COME SAY HELLO INSTAGRAM allanaramaaTWITTER allanaramaaFor business inquiries email me at allanaramaa gmail comCheck out the SALTWATER X ALLANA Collection HERE Discount Codes NUDESTIXLEAH ALEXANDRA wearing bangles charm necklace USE CODE ALLANA FOR OFF OF THE ENTIRE SITE MEJURI x3 small hoops in my ears chain necklace Shop through my link to get 10 off of your first Mejuri purchase Edits DEJAN THE MAN Music Epidemic SoundFTC This video not sponsored some links above are affiliate links which I make a lil commission on if you so choose to purCHAYSE a product through them Cheers fam XO




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