Binging with Babish: Triple-Decker Eggo Extravaganza from Stranger Things

by Binging with Babish

Binging with Babish: Triple-Decker Eggo Extravaganza from Stranger Things


Please join me in taking the Hot Pepper Challenge to raise funds and awareness for ALS research Eat a hot pepper nominate 3 of your friends and donate whatever you can at the link below Eleven is a sci fi heroine with a proclivity for burgers fries and above all America s favorite freezer waffle Eggos But when you stack them thrice high layer them with whipped cream and Hershey kisses and top with Reese s Pieces and jelly beans you can summon her from even the angstiest of adolescent protests Music Juparo by Broke for Free




  • by musubiyori 839

ある日、コタツの上に乗っていたおむすびさんが可愛くて喜んで絡みにいったら、その日からちょいちょい乗っかっるようになってしまいました^^;上に置いてあるものに悪さはしないので、まぁいいか…。 ブログはこちら♪