Bullet Journal JANUARY PLAN WITH ME 2020 | habit trackers & budgeting

by Caitlin's Corner

Bullet Journal JANUARY PLAN WITH ME 2020 | habit trackers & budgeting


Hey everyone Today s I m sharing my 2020 JANUARY BULLET JOURNAL PLAN WITH ME This month s spreads contain quite a few tackers that can help you out with you 2020 goals moods habits spending trackers and more Let me know your favourite spread in the comments below TURN ON notifications so you don t miss future videos PRODUCTS USED follow me on social my favourite places to shop get 5 off your first order on Uber Eats with my code eats caitlind1456ue filming equipment MUSIC mall toy justnormalfall has come justnormalall the jingles jobiiscootaloo jobii FTC This video is not sponsored Some links in the description box are affiliate links I earn a small commission on purchases made through those links there s no cost to you but the commission helps make it possible for me to continue creating videos for a living




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