Chatty Vacation Haul

by Loepsie

Chatty Vacation Haul


I m back from vacation I wanted to sit down and chat with you for a bit as well as show you some bits and bobs I got while I was away including the most gorgeous 50 s dress Enjoy On my lips Artdeco soft lip liner waterproof 79 Artdeco lipstick 10CMusic courtesy of Epidemic Sound My name is Lucy I m a 24 year old girl from the Netherlands and I m here to offer an alternative approach to beauty On this channel I do mostly hair tutorials where I show you how to braid pin and style your own hair I recreate hairstyles from movies tv shows and I regularly come up with my own which I love to share with you I do lifestyle and beauty videos as well ranging from wearable everyday looks makeup tips and DIY natural beauty treatments to fashion lookbooks vegetarian recipes and more extreme Halloween tutorials If you enjoy history you ve come to the right place as well I have a few series based on historical makeup and hairstyling that are my little passion projects Enjoy browsing Love Lucy



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