東洋紡の「オリエステルおりがみ」から新商品が出たよ。 モノトーンインテリアにぴったりなレース模様のコースターにしました。 この前の切子模様と同じく、とっても繊細で綺麗な折り紙です。 四角いコースターはYahoo!の動画をみてね↓ https://creator...
Here s what happened on day one with Bean the terrified Congo African grey Bean is an 8 year old male African grey parrot Don t forget to support your local bird rescues Your time is the best donation to these birds as well as making them fresh healthy food to eat or sending them toys to chew on It doesn t always have to be a financial donation you can even consider being a foster parront Thank you to my patrons over at Patreon for making it possible for me to take on Bean and other project birds Follow the rest of Bean s story over on Patreon at Patreon com BirdTricks as exclusive content to my Bondi tier and above THANK YOU Caitlyn Metcalf Christina Corriveau Claire Hennekam Felicity Franklin FlappyWithFriends Janell Baker Jeanne Okerlund Jennifer Perez Jennifer Perry Laura Wilcox Li Fang Shine Lucy Morris Meaghan Beverage Rachel Jimenez Sherry Sendi Susan Elizabeth Sninsky JOIN ME TO SEND MAIL 217 CEDAR STREET 401 SANDPOINT ID 83864MY BIRDS Oldest to Youngest BONDI Galah hatched 2005CRESSI Congo African Grey hatched 2007BANDIT Galah hatched 2008 2019 JINX Blue Throat Macaw hatched 2008COMET Yellow Dominant Camelot Macaw hatched 2008TUSA Blue Green Dominant Camelot Macaw hatched 2008ROCKO Toco Toucan hatched 2011LILY PHOEBE DETKA Sun Conures hatched 2011BLUEBERRY Budgie hatched June 2019 ABOUT US BirdTricks is a husband wife team Dave and Jamieleigh Womach specialize in parrot training and companionship birdtricks birdtraining parrottraining
東洋紡の「オリエステルおりがみ」から新商品が出たよ。 モノトーンインテリアにぴったりなレース模様のコースターにしました。 この前の切子模様と同じく、とっても繊細で綺麗な折り紙です。 四角いコースターはYahoo!の動画をみてね↓ https://creator...
Today I'm sharing some Easy Vegan Corn Empanadas with you! These are a perfect appetizer or quick meal. Get the full printable rec...
Guy Can't Stop Rescuing Squirrels | This guy never expected he'd start rescuing squirrels, but now he has a squirrel family 🐿🐿🐿
In today's video, I'm showing you how you can make Digital Bullet Journal Templates and sell them by editing your already existing...
Hi guys! I wanted to share my calm morning routine and how I relax at home to find inner peace and happiness. Hope you enjoy!
This little orphaned kitten was found all alone in a neighbor's yard. As he started growing more and more, he was getting crazier ...
A delicious Middle Eastern egg breakfast recipe! 【Eating Videos】⇒https://youtu.be/jS4UdvNW8vU 【instagram】⇒http://instagram.com/bon...
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