DIY Kids Room Makeover | She Designs, I DIY!

by Living to DIY with Rachel Metz

DIY Kids Room Makeover | She Designs, I DIY!


For those of you who are a bit confused as to why I call her mini human she is my step daughter but we don t like to use the word step since I am a part of blended family myself and was raised that family is family I also try not to use her name face that often out of respect for her mama Okay now that that is out of the way she designed every aspect of this room and I DIY ed it for her with a few of my personal design tweaks I love how this is a reflection of her where she is at what she s into at this particular time in her life and what bits of her personality she wants to put into her physical space What was your favorite part Thanks for patiently waiting These deliveries were getting cancelled left and right but AH it s done it s cute and we are in love xx these are all Amazon affiliate links Random small decor she designed a life she loved artwork faux plants and baskets all from Home Goods Previously owned all frames but DIY spray painted some Business inquiries contact tablerockmanagement comMusic Toy Houses Falling In Love Warm It s True Always Creative Commons Attribution 3 0 Unported CC BY 3 0




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