Doing Addison Raes Makeup!

by James Charles

Doing Addison Raes Makeup!


HI SISTERS Today I sat down with one of my closest friends and biggest Tik Tok stars Addison Rae I give her a super glam red carpet makeup look while talking about her dropping out college rise to fame how to stay positive the hype house and so much more Enjoy and don t forget to thumbs up and subscribe __ LET S BE BFFSSNAPCHAT jamescharlessTIKTOK jamescharlesSISTERS APPAREL INSTAGRAM sistersapparel__ COUPON CODES Use code JAMES for 10 off all products online AND in store Use code JAMES for 15 off all lashesUse code JAMES for 10 off all items__ MY AMAZING TEAMDIRECTOR OF CONTENT Louis GargiulaEDITOR Ryan AllenGRAPHICS Michael Rusakov



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