Zeynep Tosun | Fall/Winter 201...
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Hey guys OMG I ve got such an amazing treat in store for you all today I am going to show you how to do the Encapsulated Triangle nails from my Instagram profile So I m gonna be working on a tip today and I m using these very gorgeous glitter multicoloured triangles OMG First of all we are going to topcoat over the tip but you have to imagine that it s over an acrylic nail because that s what I originally worked on and I m also going be using some of these GORGEOUS glitter flakes So pick them up using your tool and then press them into the topcoat and then I m gonna do two coats of that Now we are going to quickly buff over the nail and apply a bead of the It s Clear Dear Acrygel and then I m going to take my brush dip it into some Gel Residue Wipe Off Solution and pull the product down very thinly over the entire nail and this is going to create our adhesion for the little triangles that we re going to put on So take your tool and pop these little triangles onto the nail You don t have to create the exact same pattern as me remember this because you could also create some really cool and unique designs if you improvise However for my design I am lining up the triangles in rows to create an almost scale like pattern Next I m going to dip my brush into max adhesion and then pick up a big bead of clear acrylic and then encapsulate the design with the acrylic and then I m going to quickly file over the nail topcoat it and then put it into the lamp for a final cure There you are guys I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did please give it a like subscribe to our channel and ring that notification bell and I will see you in the next video Love ya xxxxxKirsty OTHER VIDEOS LIKE THIS ONE OUR MOST POPULAR VIDEOS Products Used in This Video Products Commonly Used Websites nailart acrylicnails nailtutorial
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