Raspberry Yogurt Bars
These Raspberry Yogurt Bars are one of the most delightful summer desserts, so refreshing and full of raspberry and lemon flavor. ...
Hey ya ll I have so many videos on the back burner but this week I m sticking to the fall theme for my videos I m hoping to get on track since I have a back log of footage to edit now I wasn t sure which one to upload first so I decided on this one Hope you treat yourself I will try to upload my next pamper video earlier in the weekend next week so you have some inspiration to give yourself a little me time over the weekend xo Pumpkin Pie ScrubEqual Parts Brown Sugar Granulated Sugar1 tbsp Coconut Oil1 tsp Vanilla PasteDash of Pumpkin Pie Spice MAILING ADDRESS 18653 Ventura Blvd 655 Tarzana CA 91356 DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed are true my own I link affiliate links to make it easier for you to find the exact products I mention and I LOVE YOU Thank you for supporting what I do THIS IS NOT A SPONSORED VIDEO
These Raspberry Yogurt Bars are one of the most delightful summer desserts, so refreshing and full of raspberry and lemon flavor. ...
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Model and social media star Irene Kim walks us through her daily skincare and makeup routine. Irene shows us all the different typ...
銀座で気軽に入れるふぐ屋さん。 銀座のふぐ料理店【ふぐ倶楽部 miyawaki】は、日本一敷居の低いふぐ料理屋を目指してるお店なので、 入りやすく、通いやすいお店で、いい品を極力安価で出してるお店です。 もうひとつのオススメは面白い店長さん!
【ブログで動画の説明をしています】 http://blog.livedoor.jp/balloonrabbitmoco/archives/36572817.html ブログにも遊びに来てね。
※ボタンホールに穴を開ける際、リッパーを使うと切りすぎてしまう可能性があります(リッパーは良く切れる為) 穴を開ける際は裁ちばさみか反対の端にまち針打ってください(コメント欄よりアドバイスいただきました!ありがとうござます!)
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В этом видео столько щеночков, что я сам запутался кого куда отправляем😅 Но все будет хорошо это точно... - Мой инстаграм - https:...
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