Fays Favourites Part 2 - Netting and Ombre Glitters - Worst Client Ever

by Naio Nails

Fays Favourites Part 2 - Netting and Ombre Glitters - Worst Client Ever


Hi everyoneIn this video we re still doing Fay s nails and we re recreating her favourite design This is part 2 check out part 1 below I m going to fit the form the same as a stiletto nail for this shape and then dehydrate and prime I m then going to put a base of clear acrylic up to number 4 I m going to cut a bit of netting off and then start with the darkest colour in the corner of the nail at an angle and then blend in Berrylicious and then Mirror Mirror working my way up the nail getting lighter When I get to the free edge I m going to finish the nail with Natural Beige and use the netting to imprint the pattern I m going to add just enough Berrylicious to fill the gaps and ombre it to nothing I ll also add in Carnival in Venice to blend the silver with the Natural Beige and cap the whole thing in clear With the other hand we re going to start with Natural Beige and the netting and then the Berrylicious and Rock n Roll for the rest of the nail I ll also add in some Diamonds are Forever and Carnival in Venice before capping the whole nail I m gonna file both nails and then use the Gel Top Coat I hope you enjoyed part 2 subscribe to see the rest of the nails Lots of lovekirsty meakin nail queenxoxo OTHER VIDEOS LIKE THIS ONE OUR MOST POPULAR VIDEOS Products Used in This Video Products Commonly Used Kirsty and all the team at Naio Nails would like to thank you for taking the time to watch our videos we hope you enjoy watching them as much as we enjoy making them If you have a few minutes to spare We would like to ask for your help so that others can enjoy watching our videos too Websites Social Media faysfavourites acrylicnails extremeacrylics




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