Fluffy Angel Cake using leftover Egg Whites / Recipe 卵白を大量消費!ふわふわエンジェルケーキ レシピ

by Sora Machida

Fluffy Angel Cake using leftover Egg Whites / Recipe 卵白を大量消費!ふわふわエンジェルケーキ レシピ


Perfect way to use up left over egg white Fluffy and light white cake using egg whites sugar and flour only Top up with whipped cream and your favourite fruit Ingredients 4 egg whites 40g sugar 50g self raising flour OR 50g purpose flour 1 2 teaspoon baking powder 材料 卵黄 4個分 砂糖 40g 薄力粉 50g ベーキングパウダー小さじ1 2 Find me also on Instagram sora_monnom



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