About 2 weeks ago it was Jabba my Flemish Giant bunny or Continental Giant s birthday she turned 3 years old So I threw a little birthday party for her even though she doesn t even know the meaning of birthday lol but there is no reason why she can t enjoy the day D She really enjoyed the day with eating nice food and playing with her human Although in this video I gave some herbs and fruits to Jabba the giant rabbit please note that too much fruit and herb can cause health problems of bunnies Fruits are high in sugar and many herbs are high in calcium and some of them are very high in calcium for example dill and sage are very high in calcium I realized it after I took this video and I will be more careful when I give Jabba herbs from now Of course calcium is an important mineral for rabbits but too much calcium can cause urinary tract problems I think the best treats for bunny are romaine lettuce and green or red lettuce no iceberg lettuce They are very safe and have low calories Anyway I hope you enjoy this video To our new visitors Jabba the Rabbit is the Flemish Giant Rabbit or Continental Giant rabbit lives in Japan The Flemish Giant rabbit is the biggest rabbit breed in the world Luna is her human and she talks to Jabba in Japanese as Jabba is more familiar with the language But our channel is mainly in English because we want to share our stories with as many people as possible 日本語 日本の皆さんへ こんにちは 人間の奴隷と一緒に日本に住んでいるジャイアントうさぎのジャバ ザ ラビットです できればたくさんの人にジャバの可愛さを伝えたいと思い 動画のメインの言語は英語にしています 全ての動画に日本語字幕を入れていますので字幕を オン にしてください ぜひ コメントでご意見お願いします 한국어 저희 채널이 처음이신 분들께 자바는 일본에 사는 자이언트 토끼랍니다 많은 분들과 소통하고 싶어서 영어를 메인 언어로 하고 있고 자바가 일본 토끼라서 자바와는 일본어로 대화하고 있습니다 가족 및 지인들을 위해 한국어 자막과 설명을 넣고 있으나 보고계신 다른 한국분들이 계신다면 구독과 조언 항상 감사히 생각하겠습니다 flemishgiantrabbit continentalgiantrabbit birthday bunnybirthday bunny rabbit stayhome giantbunny giantrabbit birthdayparty rabbitbirthday
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