GRWM: Sparkly Holiday Look. With a Sauvignon Blanc | Cate the Great Beauty

by Cate the Great Beauty

GRWM: Sparkly Holiday Look. With a Sauvignon Blanc | Cate the Great Beauty


Correction The Rephr Holiday Travel Collection ships before Christmas It s the bespoke set that take 10 12 weeks FYI Hi guys I have some more awesome holiday gift ideas for you Pour some vino and join me Instagram catethegreatbeautyTwitter CateBeautyMy Holiday Gift Guide Videos Codes Rephr Brush Code CATE100Alterego CATE10 for 10 offSkin Research Labs CatesGreatDiscount for 10 offBailey Sarian x Loud Lacquer CATE for 15 offBK Beauty Cate10 for 10 offAna Luisa Jewelry Cate10 for 10 offWhat I m Drinking Frenzy Sauvignon Blanc 2018 Please support this channel by shopping the following affiliate links Products Mentioned Earrings Discontinued HOWEVER these are almost exactly the same Necklace I got it from Rocksbox years ago and have no idea what it is Sorryyyyyyy FTC Disclaimer All opinions are 100 mine I only talk about products I genuinely like and only give honest reviews Some of the links provided are affiliate links meaning I may earn a commission from the purchase of your product made through my links




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