Halloween Nail Art - Идеи маникюра на Хэллоуин

by Tanya Wish

Halloween Nail Art - Идеи маникюра на Хэллоуин





Making a Leather Tool Pouch

  • by Corter Leather 1145

► GET TOOLS & MATERIALS HERE: https://www.weaverleathersupply.com/leather-chisel-pouch ► GET OUR PATTERNS HERE: https://corterle...

Mood colour changing textured ...

  • by Stick it to Them 1002

This highly requested tutorial is for the mood edition of my "Tip the Scales" nails. These nails are so much fun and will definite...

4 Dicas de Ouro para Costureir...

  • by Fernanda Herthel 1842

Mais um vídeo da #segredosdecostura!! São aulas práticas e rápidas com aqueles 'pulos do gato', que salvam a gente nos perrengues ...

Lime Crime Venus XL2 tutorial/...

  • by Swayze Morgan 1301

Hello you beautiful people! I'm going to list all of the products I talked about below, let me know if I forget anything! Also, fe...


  • by sasakiasahi 1374

楽しんでもらえたら「いいね」&チャンネル登録をお忘れなく! 昨日から始まった「クリスマスコフレ開封Week」!!今年私が選んだクリスマスコフレや限定品をどんどんUPしていきます! 第2弾は憧れのスキンケアキットを購入しました!高かったけど、買ってよかった!!

Weaving on the SampleIt Loom

  • by Ashford Wheels and Looms 1467

See how easy it is to warp and weave on the Ashford SampleIt Loom. The perfect loom for new weavers and great for sampling all the...