クリッパー:tukulot https://www.cchan.tv/clipper/1982956/ 1. ほっこり織りこんで☆ 「くもの巣刺繍ピアス」 【用意する材料】 ①刺繍糸 2m30cm×2本 (シルバー) ②刺繍糸 2m×2本 (コバルトブルー...
I m back My dear subscribers I have missed you Here is a quick process video to touch base with you and let you know I am still here and busy making lots of videos for you So I m about to begin work on a dream bucket list commission Dragons are involved So I decided to do a quick 1 5 hour warm up sketch to get my fantasy juices flowing Pencils markers and some acrylic washes and highlights Nice to work so loose and spontaneously just embracing the mess and stepping away when its at sketch level and calling it done YOU CAN WIN THIS SKETCH Follow lovellart on Instagram and stay tuned for info this Sunday Cant wait to reveal more on this project Childhood me is squealing inside THANKS FOR WATCHING PLEASE SUBSCRIBE HIT THAT NOTIFICATION BELL LEAVE A COMMENT AND THUMBS UP I truly appreciate it Stay tuned for lots more Loads of Signed Art Prints available in my Online Store NOW FREE Worldwide Shipping on ALL orders www christopherlovell com shop
クリッパー:tukulot https://www.cchan.tv/clipper/1982956/ 1. ほっこり織りこんで☆ 「くもの巣刺繍ピアス」 【用意する材料】 ①刺繍糸 2m30cm×2本 (シルバー) ②刺繍糸 2m×2本 (コバルトブルー...
안녕하세요 : )
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHTⓒ2018 those sweet words ALL RIGHT ...
Видеоурок https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzlb0H37TYM
カカオ ! ∴∵ゞ(´ω`*) ♪ 今回はブラックタピオカを魚卵に見立て、ミルクティーカスタードクリームにミックスした、たい焼きです。
I'd like to officially announce that 2020 is NOT Jeffree Star Approved. Here is a video I filmed a few days ago before California ...
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