こんにちはLes sens cielです。 今回は令和、第一弾そしてもうすぐ母の日なのでちょっと本格的に見た目も華やかなケーキを作ってみました。 今回のバタークリームはタイミングや温度管理などが上級者向けになっていますが、メレンゲと合わせる事で軽く滑らかな口当...
ARCHES Cold Pressed Watercolor 140lb Paper 14X20 Block HOLBEIN Watercolors Horizon Blue Cobalt Turquoise Light Turquoise Blue Marine Blue Viridian Hue Indigo White for Sea Foam Brushes Flat Mop 16 Round 3 Round 3 0 Holbein Gold Rigger 1 Flat 1 2 Holbein Black Angular 1 4For real time videos pencil sketches and more please visit Please keep in mind there s a setting on YT where you can adjust the speed of this video All Colors are mentioned at the beginning and during the video Please check out my website WWW MARIAMORJANE COM for any info on MY ART SUPPLIES links and etsy shop for prints and original paintings Thank you so much for your patience in awaiting for this video Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments your support is giving me a lot of motivation to keep uploading here COPYRIGHT NOTE My videos are copy protected they are fully owned by me and they are not allowed for any download Please NOTE IT S A COPYRIGHT VIOLATION TO CREATE YOUR OWN CHANNEL WITH MY VIDEOS _________________________________________________________________Another note It s ok to copy my art for your personal use as long as you are not trying to make money off of it Having said that my videos are for you to enjoy learn and paint along with me Also if you post your copied work on any social media please give me a credit stating it s a copy of an original painting by Maria Raczynska whew as much as I hate writing these things I know you guys understand besides You guys are the best for protecting my content as well Thank you so much for all your help I ve been getting a lot of similar questions so I have created a Q A on my website all about watercolor PAPERS pigments taping down etc www mariamorjane com and go to a BLOG All annotations on colors and brushes are in the video The white pigment I use is an opaque watercolor GOUACHE Holbein I use it instead of my regular watercolor whites which are too transparent for my style of painting Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE www patreon com mariamorjanewww mariamorjane comwww facebook com mariamorjanemy instagram maria_morjane Music Created by
こんにちはLes sens cielです。 今回は令和、第一弾そしてもうすぐ母の日なのでちょっと本格的に見た目も華やかなケーキを作ってみました。 今回のバタークリームはタイミングや温度管理などが上級者向けになっていますが、メレンゲと合わせる事で軽く滑らかな口当...
韓国で買ったお菓子の福袋を開封して全種類食べてみました! 韓国土産選びの参考になったら嬉しいです! オススメの韓国お菓子情報絶賛募集中〜♪
ボトルレジン初挑戦してみました^ ^観ていただけたら嬉しいです。 この動画の訳は翻訳機を使っています。 This video uses a translator. Twitter TKMchannel @channelTKM TKM ブログ http:...
In which I talk pumpkins and mushrooms, share a bit of Halloween prep and show you all my current makes.. Show Notes: https://san...
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🌼Visit http://SeonkyoungLongest.com for Written Recipe w/Step by Step Pics!
最近気になっていたベージュ系のワントーンメイク✨大人っぽく仕上がるからオフィスメイクにぴったりかも😙💕 そしてそして! みなさんにオススメして頂いたクッションファンデがやっと届きました😍!初めてのブランドなので詳しく説明しながらレビューもしてみました✨すごく好...
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