Happy Valentine's Day!
i made Takoyaki shaped ice candies they are orange and chocolate flavors ingredients300ml FANTA orange you can use other drink 5g instant gelatin powder25ml chocolate syrup25ml water1tbsp instant gelatin powdercolorful toppingsif you want to use agar instead of gelatin you can only use orange ice candies but please take care of freezing point and upper temperature limit of ice mold and just put chocolate syrup on takoyaki ice candies although chocolate syrup will not set but taste is the same related videosHow to make Easy Espresso Jelly in the Vanilla Ice CreamHomemade Ice Cream Rolls Maker Hapiroll Vanilla Colorful Cooking Toy decocookie google plus page our other channels Japanese stuff everyday JP MONO my husband 30oyaji s channel
Happy Valentine's Day!
勘違いされてもすべてを受け入れる豆大福がかわいいです^^ 包容力のある豆大福は癒しの塊です♪
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