I made a zine DRAW WITH ME (Patreon Postcard)

by Dina Norlund

I made a zine DRAW WITH ME (Patreon Postcard)


There is nothing unusual about Sprout except for her name She has a normal family and a normal life but one day something terrible happens a sprout starts growing from the top of her head Oh and it s still me Just updated my very old icon to something more fitting to my current style It was VERY long overdue Materials Illo sketchbook squarePink pig sketchbook 70 pagesAcquarello Watercolour Artistico traditional white 140ibs fabricano hot pressed Colerase pencil in various coloursBallpoint pen BIC Soft Feel Ballpoint Pens Black 3 Pack Pen Zig Cartoonist Mangaka Flexible Marker Pen Fine Tip BlackSchmincke Horadam watercolours Lemon Yellow Pure yellow Transparent Orange Purple magenta Ultramarine finest Phthalo Blue Phtalo Green yellow Ochre Burnt Sienna burnt Umber Sap Green Indigo Pencil no idea HB Music Intro is Gymnopedie no 1 Places you can find me



Matcha 101如何製作一個拿撒勒咖啡

  • by Clean & Delicious 1018

了解有關購買,存儲和使用Matcha Green Tea所需的一切。這種抗氧化豐富的茶是超級營養,是任何健康飲食的絕佳補充。訂閱:http://tinyurl.com/jaxbcd6