Life With Husky Puppy! [CUTEST VIDEO EVER!]

by milperthusky

Life With Husky Puppy! [CUTEST VIDEO EVER!]


Soooo hello everyone Since we had lola we have taken so many clips that have actually melted our hearts Some have been seen some haven t but they are all so cute Makes me so happy to see how scared she was at first to how happy she is now This is exactly why I love huskies so much and always will The amazing personalities they have are just incredible Makes me smile so much seeing how she reacts every day to new things The similarities to my other two huskies are so funny There is a little bit of Rupert and little bit of millie in lola it s amazing to see Sometimes life with puppies or huskies can be a little harder than normal but it s so worth it The amount of love and respect you get from dogs makes it all worth while To see how happy lola is and the kids are and me No amount of money or items can replicate the happiness we are feel Hope this makes you all smile too Love you all



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