Loom Beaded Bracelet Tutorial

by beadifulnights

Loom Beaded Bracelet Tutorial


For your warp threads you need to cut 4 pieces of 6lb monofilament 3ft long each For your weft thread cut 9ft of 6lb fireline Materials needed For your warp threads 6lb test monofilament fishing line Dia 010For your weft threads 6lb fireline crystal4 crimp tubes or crimp beads2 split rings or jump rings1 lobster claw claspsize 10 beading needleseed beads in either 11 0 8 0 or 6 0loom



REAL Bubbling Cauldron Hallowe...

  • by The Scran Line 1375

Grab the FULL RECIPE here: https://www.thescranline.com/copy-of-new-giant-ice-cream-cake - FOLLOW ME HERE: Instagram: https://www....