Owners are CRYING, you are LAU...
Animals are so sweet and cute but sometimes they can be real pain in the neck! Look how these animals annoy their owners and make ...
Making a Leather Toiletry KitOne of the things we ve wanted to make is a simple high quality luxury toiletry bag We ve started to design one out of leather and our idea in making a toiletry bag or dopp kit is that it looks like a small piece of luggage not something you d simply pack away We Started with our first sample design by taking notes from our tool bags and translating that design into a smaller version of a leather bag to be used as a toiletry bag The design is fairly simple but has some important details all hardware is solid brass so that it will not be effected by water The side pieces are fully stitched so that no small pieces of kit can fall out and the fold in the side pieces allow the toiletry kit to seal shut without bulky flaps We ve also made sure the dimensions are large enough to fit long things like tooth brushes and shaving supplies but not too large so as to not fit in carry on luggage
Animals are so sweet and cute but sometimes they can be real pain in the neck! Look how these animals annoy their owners and make ...
提供:資生堂ジャパン株式会社 ドラマティックスキンセンサーベース EX ¥2600+税 ドラマティックパウダリーUV オークル20 ¥4000+税 (レフィル:¥3000+税、ケース:¥1000+税) #ベースメイク #ファンデーション #つや肌メイク #崩れ...
おひさしぶりになってしまいました! インフルも流行ってるみたいなのでみんなも体調管理気をつけてね! 寝込んでる間に私の元にもYouTubeから何か届いたのでご紹介です♪ 年賀状くれたlilbearsのみんなもどうもありがとう!
花の配色位置を詳しく確認したい方は、こちらも見ていただけると嬉しいです↓ https://youtu.be/fnlpZ0ccODU
WHO'S READY FOR SOME FULL COVERAGE??? In today's video I'm testing out the brand new Laura Mercier Flawless Fusion Ultra-Longwear ...
チワワのかんぺーくんと、インコのモレッキくん。 仲良しの同い年兄弟(*^^*) ふと目をやると、モレッキがかんぺーの飲み水で水浴びしていた‼︎ 初めてモレッキの水浴び姿を見て感動しました。笑笑
Lol, these dogs are so cute😜🐶 Subscribe http://bit.ly/FunnyPetMedia for weekly videos!
Peperò, Pepper Festival in Carmagnola near Turin, Italy - Fiera del Peperone
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