Snow-Globe Nail Art! | Day 3 |...
Welcome to our 12 Days of Nail Art Christmas series featuring me, Talia from Talia’s Nail Tales and Sarah from Sarah’s nail secret...
HEY EVERYONE Welcome BACK to my channel Today my pink sister Trisha Pastas and I are going to attempt to make edible eyeshadow We both love eating and are obsessed with makeup so we thought this might be a good idea Were we wrong hahaha Watch us spill the tea and catch up about life love and food Follow Trisha on IG trishapaytas SNAPCHAT jeffreedahmer TWITTER jeffreestarWATCH MORE VIDEOS
Welcome to our 12 Days of Nail Art Christmas series featuring me, Talia from Talia’s Nail Tales and Sarah from Sarah’s nail secret... のせ猫オフィシャルブログ かご猫Blog http://kagonekoshir...
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◆まるお&もふこLINEスタンプ のせ猫オフィシャルブログ かご猫Blog http://kagonekoshi...
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Husky Puppy Kira gets groomed and her Husky Coat blown out for the first time by a professional groomer! Do Huskies Shed? They s...
Pigs playing music? Check. Pigs spending time with a cat? Check. This fun collection of videos has just about everything for al...
UVレジン初心者です。先日無知な私は折り紙の柄が綺麗だったのでレジンに入れてみたのですが、レジンがしみて暗くなってしまいました。色々回って見てみたのですがとりあえず両面テープでやってみようと思い試してみました。見て頂けたらうれしいです。 全て100均で買ったも...
오늘 이사를 와서 고양이들이 새 집에 처음 들어왔어요. 처음에는 고양이들이 당황했지만 점점 익숙해 지면서 여기 저기 탐험을 했어요!
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