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✔ 옆면의 원단 사이즈 정정 합니다. 사이즈를 잘못 표기 하였어요 죄송 합니다. 20cmx18cm로 표기한 사이즈를 10cmx18cm로 수정 합니다. 착오없이 만드시길 바랍니다. 거듭 죄송 합니다
This week I am doing some home comfort food. Cordon bleu two ways: classic chicken ham cheese and a new one, veal steak, pancetta,...
夕食後はタワーの上で寛いでいることが多いはな。目が合うと「ニャー」と呼びつけられます。After dinner, Hana relaxes at the cat tower. When her eyes meet with me, she meows and ...
【夏休みの自由研究】猫の嗅覚を使った宝探しゲーム!The treasure hunt game which verifies whether the sense of smell of a cat is excellent! Blog: http://sisi...
Goodbye hair! My hair was in need of a cut and crying out for a treatment so I visited a salon in Singapore to revive my hair. Wa...
This Winter 2020, the Zuhair Murad woman slips into a rich, diverse sense of bohemia, inspired both by the Seventies and her own g...
My name is Irina Lyamshina. In this video you will see how I paint a flowers. For painting you can use acrylic paints. I paint wi...
mikancl original しめ飾りをかぎ針で編んでみました!
喜歡美甲喜歡戴首飾的你 真的有好好護理手部皮膚嗎? 跟著我這套手部按摩, 讓你的第二張臉更迷人哦
😃Timour’s channel: https://youtu.be/8BnFdk2mW0c 🎥Brazilian Street Food Tour: https://youtu.be/TlWDF3BfUdo 👕T-shirts and caps: http...
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