More Plant Mail! Another succulent unboxing video w/ Sucs for You!

by Sucs For You!

More Plant Mail! Another succulent unboxing video w/ Sucs for You!


0 00 Tillandsia Xerographica 3 30 Aloe aculeata5 30 Crassula cv Morgan s Pink a k a Morgan s Beauty hybrid of C falcata and C mesembryanthemopsis 8 30 Mammillaria spinosissima Red Headed Irishman 11 10 Aloe distans Jeweled Aloe Golden Tooth Aloe 13 30 Echeveria Neon Breakers15 20 Senecio haworthii Woolly Senecio Cocoon Plant 17 50 Haworthia Pumila Future video ideas and comments Please drop them below AboutSucs For You Featuring demonstrations of how to propagate and care for succulents and cacti and other tips on working with these beautiful plants in challenging climates With Andrea Afra based out of Houston Texas Garden Zone 8B 9A Follow me elsewhere



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