Hand Embroidery: Neckline Embr...
Hello! Today we are making Neckline Embroidery For Kurtis. Don't forget to like, share and subscribe!
Shasha Creative World ShashaCreativeWorld RoseFlowerI have made this embroidery with cotton threads of Syga brand I have used cast on stitch satin stitch and bullion stitch to make the rose and for this i have taken 6 strands of a thread Thanks
Hello! Today we are making Neckline Embroidery For Kurtis. Don't forget to like, share and subscribe!
こんにちは、こんばんは、MOCOxAMAN です。 今回はいよいよ、兄モコのお風呂のお話です。 アマンの時とは違って、モコのお風呂は一筋縄ではいきません。 また、モコの今まで見たことのない姿や、鳴き声がたくさん出てきます。 モコとアマンのお風呂の入り方の違いを...
#bileklikyapımı#bileklikyapilisi#boncuktakımodelleri Yapılışı oldukça zevkli bir o kadar şık boncuk bileklik modeli. Not :Tamamen ...
Con este tutorial aprendemos a unir cuadrados a crochet, cuando sus bordes finalizan con punto red de cadenas.
김포공항 근처에 가면 먹을수 있는 빵그리 토스트 여긴 토스트에 계란 후라이가도 들어가 있습니다. 사장님이 토스트만 22년 구웠다고 하시네요.
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! This year I wanted to do something fun so I created this pink make up look that is festive, a bit E-girl i...
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Floral painting. Fabric painting techniques.Fabric painting on clothes. Thank you for watching. Please subscribe for further uploa...
子猫リクは元気いっぱい♡ 大好きなキジトラ猫リタの側で遊ぶことが増えてきました(#^^#) いっぱい遊びたい!でも、眠たい!( ´艸`) 電池切れになるのもまだ早いようです♥ リタの尻尾で遊びながら、コクリコクリ… その様子を見守るリタ♥ 実は、後ろでリキも見...
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