Watercolor Flower Nail Art (Flower Painting, Tutorial, DIY)

by Miya Nail

Watercolor Flower Nail Art (Flower Painting, Tutorial, DIY)


Miya Nail Watercolor Flower Nail Art Flower Painting floral nails Gel nails Tutorial Products used 1 Base coat gel2 Top coat gel3 White color gel4 White glitter gel5 Red color gel6 Coral color gel7 Green color gel8 Yellow color gel9 Gel cleanser10 Brushes Oval Line 11 Gel Nail Lamp LED or UV beauty How to DIY drawing




  • by msroshposh 991

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어무니를 공격하는 저놈을 가만두지 않겠다? 아니면.. 어무니 발톱 때 극혐...? 왜 유독 이 물건에만 공격적이었던 걸까... 아직도 모르겠어요......

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ご視聴ありがとうございます。 寝ているときに突然マロンから起こされたので 色々バタバタしながら動画回したせいで とってもグダグダです、ごめんなさい( ̄O ̄;) 見苦しいかと思いますが( ̄O ̄;)

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