screen printing and sewing t-shirts

by Fran Meneses

screen printing and sewing t-shirts


a fun printing and sewing marathon right at the bottom of the page I got my screens from NorCalPATREONFor behind the scenes into all the projects I m working on RIGHT NOW more sketchbook tours secret Q As podcast newsletter AND illustration club YAAY support my work on Patreon FOLLOW MEALL social media Twitter instagram frannerdPortfolio www frannerd clVIDEO CREDITS Thank you so so much to super Kevin for writing the spanish subtitles We loooove you Keviin All my music is from Epidemic SoundCameraCanon Eos m with a 22 lensI use DaVinci Resolve for editing Things you don t know about this video I STILL HAVEN T PACKED and I m leaving in two days hahaha are you guys super organized with packing or do you pack last minute Yesterday Lou and I worked together on the photoshoot for the new t shirts and I m so happy I have someone who can help me with all of this cries in coffee since each t shirt is different we have to take at least 4 or 5 pictures per t shirt O THANK GOD Lou is here with meee Plans for this weekend thrift shopping with my friend Tatiana coffee with Megan and of course PACK Oh and kiss Hamburguesa a lot to compensate these 2 weeks we re going to be apart



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