Miss Kitty Hello Kitty 45th An...
One more week until Hello Kitty's 45th-anniversary show!!! I'm so excited to be a part of the celebration, I had hello kitty every...
Simple Hand Embroidery Tutorial for Beginners Do you want to learn flower design with Bullion Stitch to add your own hand embroidery projects It s the process of the stitching that helps me relax Flower Designs are a classic motif in embroidery but they re also a bit of a trend Amazon Track Info Cinematic Documentary AShamaluevMusic
One more week until Hello Kitty's 45th-anniversary show!!! I'm so excited to be a part of the celebration, I had hello kitty every...
Pic Candle Coloring Book available on Etsy ~ http://etsy.me/2kzwrpY My first book ~ Kawaii Doodle Class - http://bit.ly/KDCgiveawa...
6 to 7 eggs go into one of these omelettes.
上次買的開架心得來了!!! 這些都是我自己有興趣的東西 用了一陣子後整理出來跟你們分享 (怎麼覺得我好像沒拍過這種新品的心得影片) 希望下次拍可以更即時一點xdd
This dog, who weighed 173 pounds, looks nothing like his old self!
INSANE Chinese Seafood FEAST in Guangzhou! We found the most CRAZY Chinese Seafood in Guangzhou. This Chinese seafood restaurant i...
前半の雨のシーンはデジカメで撮ってみました。 いつもより画質がいいような気もするしそんなに変わらないような気もします。 でも撮りたい時に手元にないのでやっぱり日常を撮るのはスマホが一番だと思いました。 タンスの肥やしにならないように目につくところに飾っています...
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