Spa Candles Acrylic Painting LIVE Tutorial

by Angela Anderson

Spa Candles Acrylic Painting LIVE Tutorial


Learn how to paint Spa Candles with Rocks in this free step by step acrylic painting tutorial by Angela Anderson Easy to follow instructions guide you through creating your own beautiful canvas artwork 9 x 12 Fredrix Linen Canvas BoardHeavy Body Acrylic Paints Titanium WhiteUnbleached TitaniumQuinacridone MagentaQuinacridone Nickel Azo GoldCadmium Yellow LightPhthalo Green Yellow Shade Phthalo Blue Green Shade Ultramarine BluePrussian BlueBurnt SiennaBurnt UmberCarbon BlackZinc WhitePrinceton 6100 Bright 12 10 8 6 4 2Princeton 6100 Flat 2Princeton 6100 Filbert 4 6Princeton 6100 Round 1 2 2 0Princeton Select Bristle Fan 10 0Princeton Select Deerfoot Stippler 3 8 Princeton VelvetTouch Round 1 5 0 Spotter 18 0 Short LinerPrinceton VelvetTouch 1 4 3 8 Willow s BlenderPrinceton VelvetTouch Angle Shader 1 4 3 8 Golden Acrylic Glazing Liquid Satin or Gloss Paper Towels Viva or Scott Shop Spray BottleStrathmore Visual Journal Mixed Media Pad for practice Chalk or Scribe All Pencils Faber Castell Pitt Artist Pens or Sakura Pigma FB Brush PensGrey Matters Palette Paper or Masterson Stay Wet PaletteCreative Color Wheel or Color Mixing Color WheelFor Traceable Transfer Tracing PaperSaral Graphite Transfer Paper Saral White Transfer PaperStylus Set Bleach Wipes optional Or donate directly through PayPal to angelasartistry gmail comSocial Media Contacts Email angelafineart gmail comMail P O Box 12171 Russellville AR 72812 I d love to hear from you We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon com and affiliated sites Copyright info Image used under license from Shutterstock com Videos produced by Angela Anderson angelafineart are intended for private use only by non profit community home and school groups Please contact me for commercial retail use licensing information Feel free to embed the videos as is but please do not alter remove watermarks re upload or otherwise change the original video If you would like to sell your painting from this painting tutorial please include a reference on the back Original tutorial by Angela Anderson Please no prints or mass market sales Etsy Thank you



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